HomePanch Deep (Oil Model) : 5 Akhand Diya with 500 ml. Oil Container ( NOT FOR GHEE )
Panch Deep (Oil Model) : 5 Akhand Diya with 500 ml. Oil Container ( NOT FOR GHEE )

Panch Deep (Oil Model) : 5 Akhand Diya with 500 ml. Oil Container ( NOT FOR GHEE )

₹ 6,000
Standard shipping in 2 working days
Product Description

Oil Model Panch Deep is a unique and the ONLY OF ITS KIND Panch Diya , having Borosilicate Glass Oil Container of 500 ml. Akhand Deep / Akhand Diya is a Perfect combination of GLASS and BRASS. Main advantage / Plus point of our Akhand Deep is that ONE CAN RE-FILL THE OIL RESERVOIR, WITHOUT DISTURBING THE DEEP JYOT. This proves the Deep in real sense an AKHAND DEEP. • Another Plus feature of the Akhand Deep is a NON – RETURN VALVE mechanism, which prevents excess oil to come out from the container, and also ensures that the required flow of oil for burning the “Deep Jyoti” never stops. • Burning time: 500 ml. : 2 /2.5 days,

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